How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024
10 June 2024

How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024

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How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health

Indian advertisements, especially in the realms of food, beauty, and lifestyle, play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and perceptions. Unfortunately, many of these ads promote unhealthy habits and products, leading to adverse health effects among the population. Here are the key points to consider when discussing how Indian advertisements are impacting public health:

The marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children has significant implications for their health and well-being. Let’s explore this topic further:

  1. Childhood Obesity Epidemic:
    • Worldwide, over 223 million children aged 5-18 years are now overweight or obese, with prevalence expected to increase by 20% over the next decade.
    • Even preschool-aged children are affected, and low- and middle-income countries have experienced the most rapid rise in prevalence.
  2. Health Consequences of Obesity:
    • Childhood obesity harms nearly every organ system and disrupts hormones controlling blood sugar and normal development.
    • It can lead to serious social and psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and poor school performance.
    • Without intervention, children with obesity are likely to face overweight and obesity as teenagers and adults, increasing their risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
  3. Marketing to Children:
    • Children are exposed to food marketing through various channels: TV, schools, sports practice, stores, mobile devices, and online platforms.
    • A 2019 study found that unhealthy food ads outnumbered healthy ones on TV, especially during children’s peak viewing times.
    • Marketing practices include promotional packaging, point-of-purchase displays, product placements, video games, and social media.
  4. Impact of Marketing:
    • Research shows that marketing and advertising of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods increase children’s preference and intake of unhealthy products.
    • The American Heart Association opposes marketing low-nutrient, high-calorie foods to children and supports efforts to diminish this practice.
How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024

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Efforts to regulate food marketing and promote healthier options are critical to combat childhood obesity and improve children’s health.

The marketing of high-sugar foods and beverages has significant implications for public health, especially when targeted at children. Let’s explore each aspect:

  1. Sugary Drinks:
    • Soft Drinks and Energy Drinks: These beverages are often marketed to young audiences. However, they contain excessive added sugars, which contribute to obesity, diabetes, and dental problems.
    • Health Risks: Regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and tooth decay.
  2. Sweets and Snacks:
    • Candies and Chocolates: Aggressive marketing of these sugary treats influences dietary habits among both children and adults.
    • Impact on Health: Excessive sugar intake is associated with various health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Fast Food Culture:
    • Junk Food: Fast food chains heavily promote burgers, pizzas, and fried foods. These items are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and salts.
    • Health Consequences: Regular consumption of junk food contributes to weight gain, hypertension, and other health problems.
    • Processed Foods: Convenience foods with preservatives and additives are marketed as time-saving options. However, they may lack essential nutrients and contribute to poor overall health.

Misleading Health and Beauty Claims:

The marketing of health and beauty products often involves claims that can be misleading or exaggerated. Let’s explore this topic further:

  1. Regulation and Crackdown:
    • The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is increasingly banning advertisements that exaggerate the benefits of health and beauty treatments such as Botox, lip fillers, and diet aids.
    • The ASA is responding to a surge in complaints about misleading ads on social media and TV, especially those related to cosmetic treatments like lasers and anti-wrinkle injections.
    • Many banned ads involve the promotion of Botox and other prescription-only medicines, which is illegal under the Medicines Regulation Act 2012.
  2. Impact on Consumers:
    • Poorly regulated cosmetic treatments can endanger clients’ self-esteem and mental health.
    • Operators overselling the effectiveness of treatments can leave paying customers disappointed.
    • Efforts are being made to regulate online content that promotes unrealistic body image, as it links to low self-esteem and related mental health conditions.
  3. Ethical Concerns:
    • The American Heart Association opposes marketing and advertising of low-nutrient, high-calorie foods to children.
    • Research shows that such marketing increases children’s preference for and intake of unhealthy foods and beverages, contributing to poor diet quality and diet-related diseases worldwide.
How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024

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A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged sitting or reclining, can have detrimental effects on health. Here are some ways to combat it:

  1. Walk More:
    • Aim for a daily 30-minute walk. Walking positively impacts mental health, reduces cardiovascular disease risk, and improves blood pressure.
    • Consider walking meetings instead of sitting around a conference table.
  2. Stand When You Can:
    • Many activities can be done standing upright. Opt for standing while working, watching TV, or talking on the phone.
  3. Choose the Stairs:
    • Whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator. It’s a simple way to add physical activity to your day.
  4. Incorporate Movement into Chores:
    • Doing household chores can be an opportunity for physical activity. Vacuum, sweep, or garden to stay active.
  5. Find Active Hobbies:
    • Engage in hobbies that involve movement, such as dancing, swimming, or cycling.
    • Explore outdoor activities like hiking or playing sports.
  6. Use a Fitness Tracker:
    • Monitoring your steps and setting goals can motivate you to stay active throughout the day.

The promotion of alcohol and tobacco advertising:

The promotion of alcohol and tobacco is not only in advertising; it is also highlighted in movies where lead actors can somehow make smoking or drinking seem “cool.” A large amount of money goes into the advertising of tobacco and alcohol with the intention of finding the next person (youth or adult) to “hook” .

How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024

How Indian Advertisements are Impacting Public Health 2024(Pic credit: Pinterest)

Additionally, exposure to alcohol advertising changes teens’ attitudes about alcohol and can cause them to start drinking . Efforts to regulate marketing practices and raise awareness about the impact of these substances are crucial for public health and well-being!

Negative Body Image and Mental Health

The impact of unrealistic body standards and beauty ideals perpetuated by advertisements can indeed have serious consequences for mental health. Let’s delve into this further:

  1. Body Image and Unrealistic Standards:
    • Body Dissatisfaction: Exposure to images of “perfect” bodies can lead to dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance.
    • Eating Disorders: Unrealistic beauty standards contribute to the development of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.
    • Negative Self-Perception: Constant comparison to idealized images can erode self-esteem and self-worth.
  2. Mental Health Impact:
    • Stress and Anxiety: The pressure to conform to these standards creates stress and anxiety.
    • Depression: Feeling inadequate due to unattainable beauty ideals can lead to depression.
    • Social Isolation: Fear of judgment based on appearance may cause social withdrawal.
  3. Promoting Realistic Beauty:
    • Encourage media literacy: Teach critical thinking about images and their manipulation.
    • Promote diverse representations: Showcase real bodies, different skin tones, and varied abilities.
    • Emphasize inner qualities: Shift focus from appearance to character, kindness, and resilience.

The influence of advertising on children and adolescents is a critical concern, especially when it comes to their health. Let’s explore this topic further:

  1. Vulnerable Audience:
    • Child-targeted Ads: Children are particularly susceptible to advertising. They encounter ads for unhealthy foods, sugary drinks, and sedentary entertainment.
    • Long-Term Impact: These exposures can shape their long-term health habits.
  2. Behavioral Impact:
    • Imitation: Children and adolescents often imitate behaviors and choices they see in advertisements.
    • Early Adoption: Exposure to unhealthy ads can lead to the early adoption of poor habits related to diet and lifestyle.

FAQs on How Indian Advertisements Are Impacting Public Health

1. How do advertisements for sugary drinks affect public health in India?

Advertisements for sugary drinks promote high sugar consumption, leading to obesity, diabetes, dental problems, and other related health issues.

2. Why are fast food advertisements a concern for public health?

Fast food ads encourage frequent consumption of high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods, contributing to obesity, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

3. What are the risks associated with skin lightening product advertisements?

Skin lightening products often contain harmful chemicals like mercury and hydroquinone. Ads perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, leading to potential skin damage and psychological issues.

4. How do ads for dietary supplements mislead consumers?

Many ads for weight loss pills and dietary supplements make unverified claims and may contain harmful substances, posing health risks and potentially leading to adverse effects.

5. How do advertisements encourage sedentary lifestyles?

Ads for video games, online streaming services, and other sedentary entertainment options discourage physical activity, increasing the risk of lifestyle diseases like obesity and hypertension.

6. What is the impact of alcohol advertising on public health?

Alcohol ads often glamorize drinking, leading to increased alcohol consumption and associated health problems such as liver disease, addiction, and accidents.

7. How do tobacco advertisements influence public health despite regulations?

Tobacco products are subtly promoted through brand stretching and surrogate advertising, influencing youth and contributing to smoking-related diseases.

8. What are the psychological impacts of beauty and body image advertisements?

Ads showcasing unrealistic body types and beauty standards can cause body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

9. How effective are the current regulations on misleading advertisements in India?

Regulations are in place, but enforcement is often weak. Many misleading and harmful advertisements continue to reach consumers, necessitating stronger oversight and accountability.

10. Why are children particularly affected by unhealthy advertisements?

Children are highly impressionable and susceptible to advertising. Ads for unhealthy foods, sugary drinks, and sedentary entertainment can negatively influence their health habits and behavior.

11. What role does consumer awareness play in mitigating the impact of harmful advertisements?

Increased consumer awareness about the health risks associated with certain products and misleading claims can help people make informed choices and resist the influence of harmful ads.

12. What can be done to reduce the negative health impacts of advertisements in India?

Stricter regulations, better enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and promoting healthy and realistic products and lifestyles can help reduce the negative health impacts of advertisements.

13. How do advertisements affect mental health?

Constant exposure to idealized lifestyles and appearances in ads can create stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy among viewers who feel pressured to conform to unrealistic standards.

14. Are there any positive advertising trends that promote public health?

Yes, there are positive trends where ads promote healthy lifestyles, such as fitness campaigns, nutritious food options, and mental well-being initiatives, encouraging healthier choices among consumers.


Indian advertisements, through the promotion of unhealthy foods, misleading health and beauty claims, and the glamorization of alcohol and tobacco use, significantly impact public health. They contribute to rising obesity rates, chronic diseases, mental health issues, and overall poor lifestyle choices. Stricter regulations, better consumer education, and a shift towards promoting healthy and realistic products and lifestyles are essential steps to mitigate these adverse effects. By addressing these issues, we can create a healthier society less influenced by the negative impacts of advertising.

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