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Murder Case of Karina Barduchyan 2009

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Murder Case of Karina Barduchyan 2009

To understand the matter we have to go return in time 2009 in rassia, a girl named Karina Barduchyan was lived in rassia, girl was like an ordinary girl and had ordinary dream. She wanted to be a writter, and wanted to write poem, and stories. Her friends were starting to like her for her poems. She told her friends , she will perform theater in rassia for some time and then she will move to america.

Murder Case of Karina Barduchyan 2009

Murder Case of Karina Barduchyan 2009

Then at a time point, Karina showed her interest in music also. She started to follow music and multiple artist. By following music passion , Karina met with a man, who was a 19 years boy, name was Maxim. Maxim was a weird behaviored type boy, his dressing sense was also weird. Karina also taking maxim as a idol.

Karina also started to dress like maxim. After doing multiple shows with maxim, Karina started to like maxim.Because, maxim was already in a relationship so Karina never confess her love to maxim. Karina believed on maxim, so she introduced maxim to her mother,Nadia. After meeting with maxim, Karina’s mother warned her to stay away from maxim. But karina didnot want to listen any of her mother. It was 19 january, 2009, karina suddenly vanished. But how and what happened with her.

Murder Case of Karina Barduchyan 2009

When karina came out from her college, one college friend of karina called her to her house , for group study. After reaching friend’s home, karina called her mother and informed her mother. Nadia had no idea about that it was the last conversation between Nadia and karina. It was 20th january, 2009, morning, but karina was still out of house. Nadia went to karina’s house in search of karina. karina’s friend told nadia that she was not with her at night, after doing group study, karina got a call from some one, and then she went out to meet him at the evening time.

karina’s friend dropped karina to nearest metro station, but meeting with whom it was unknown to karina’s friend also. By hearing all, Nadia went to police station and explained everything. Police started investigation and next two weeks the investigation ran. During these two weeks, nadia searched karina’s room and found a diary, where she found very dark meaned poems, and karina wrote them for a boy, max.
But Nadia knew that max was none other than Maxim.

Karina Barduchyan

Nadia told police to investigate about Maxim to know about Karina. But police took it lightly and ignorned it as considering the max as a imaginary character. After exact 2week police got a call from a man. He told that, he lived in a dumpside area, where he saw a death body. Police rushed there to see the body. There a death body was perfectly cuted in multiple bags. The body was completely decomposed, so it was completely impossible to identify the body by body’s face. But by the dress description, Police identify that , it was Karina.

karina and her mom

Police joined the body parts and after autopsy, police got to know that, Karina’s cause of death was drowning. It was another shocking news for police.Karina’s body was perfectly cut, so the criminal was not new in crime world, he had knowledge about the cutting skill. It was sure that something very scary happened with Karina. After some time, Karina’s friend katrina called police to inform them that, at that night, when karina lost, after met with someone by metro, Karina was with Katrina in her house.

Katrina was roommate of Maxim. Katrina told, in 19th january, Katrina had organized a party, where maxim, his friend uri and other common friends were there in party. They all were drunk. Suddenly a call came from Karina, then Maxim told her their location to join them. After declining the call, Maxim loudly said to Uri that meat coming. Katrina shocked, suddenly from where the meat was coming.


Time crossed and when it was midnight, Maxim ordered all of his friends to leave, maxim said , he wanted to spend some quality time with Karina, but except uri and katrina was also there, obviously, it was her house. Maxim proposed karina to sex with him. As Karina liked Maxim, so she couldn’t refuse Maxim. Maxim also told her, after being intimate, they will have bath together. Katrina was quiet tired so she went to bed to sleep. It was preplannned murder.

At this home in bathtab, Uri and maxim killed Karina. Maxim and Uri washed the whole area with chemical. When katrina waked up in morning, she asked about karina, Maxim tols her she had gone. Then Katrina gone for office, then Maxim and Uri opened the bag , where they kept the body parts, (by the way, Maxim and uri previously worked at butchery) and cut some body parts in small pieces to cook and eat.

They cooked the meat of Karina and enjoyed it. At evening, when Katrina returned from job, maxim and uri offered her the dish and katrina was also hungry, so she ate it and asked what is it? This time, Maxim told the reality of the meat. It was unbelieveable for katrina. After katrina’s confession, Police arrested them. At the initial phase, they were denied the allegetion, but after the special treatment of police, they accepted the crime. It was very shameful that some human like monster lives with us.

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