Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation
25 July 2024

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation, know all important facts, that 99.99% people don’t know

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Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation

We are social creatures, where we say we can never be alone. We have to keep up with all kinds of people in the society and adapt to them. But what we are seeing now may never have been imagined by anyone. Many people are not willing to get along with their own family, let alone with the neighbors in the society.We all know why this is being said here.

When we look around us now all we see are fake relationships and fake masks. And that’s why maybe divorce, polygamy and cheating have increased all around us.

Earlier, only a few divorces were heard in a year, but now it has become a daily occurrence. Every day someone is cheating someone, someone is getting divorced. Why is this happening, what is wrong with us, the discussion is on this blog today (Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation).

We have heard from childhood that one of the most sacred relationships on earth is marriage. According to Hinduism, the husband and wife join each other for seven births in marriage. Marriage is not only a relationship between husband and wife, marriage also binds two families in a deep relationship (Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation).

A marriage is not only two lives but also brings with it lots of love and relationships.So when a marriage breaks up, not only two people, but many relationships and emotions are sacrificed. Many will say that divorce, remarriage, or 5-6 marriages, that is, marry as many as you want, which is completely correct, everyone has their own rights. And in this regard, there are various laws in our country, under which anyone can get a divorce whenever he wants, and measure his own way.

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation (image credit pinterest)

But is it always right to only think about yourself? A family runs on mutual harmony between husband and wife. Sometimes the husband has to give a little sacrifice, and sometimes the wife has to accept a little, accepting is not talking about accepting any injustice, like having two wives like Armaan Malik, that is not at all.

Adjustment means sometimes giving a little more priority to your partner’s happiness than your own happiness. Not only in happiness, but also in sorrow is his care, which is equally applicable to both husband and wife.
A major cause of relationship breakup is the lack of adjustment, which is decreasing day by day between us.

The second big and main reason is lack of integrity (Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation):

Marriage is a very big decision in everyone’s life, so everyone should think about it. Should choose people who are suitable for me and I am suitable for them. Never marry someone I don’t know, maybe he’s the opposite of me. In that case, these problems are likely to appear.
One should never marry someone just for looks or money.

Because superficial beauty is not permanent and financial status is not permanent either. Whose beauty you are marrying, maybe someone more beautiful will appear in front of you tomorrow, since you are a worshiper of form, you will naturally be attracted to that other woman. This is how relationships break down, husbands or wives cheating on each other.

For example, let’s talk about Bollywood or other movie worlds. Cheating on each other or (extramarital affairs) extramarital affairs are the most common, because here no one gets married looking at the heart or inside, everyone sees the glamorous beauty above. Moreover, our Bengali actress Shravani has also married three times.
That is why it is very natural for them to cheat on their partners and have physical relations with others.

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation

image credit pinterest

Another is to marry someone for money or property. When someone marries someone for money, he never gets the person, he sees the money, so he starts looking outside for the life partner that he actually dreamed of in life.
Because the man she married never wanted to marry him, only wanted his money. As it happens more these days. Especially some girls have this tendency to be easy money.

As recently everyone was talking about cricket star Hardik and his wife. Everyone was saying that Natasha was only after Hardik’s money. None of us know what is going on inside them.

In these two cases above you can never be honest with your life partner. Therefore, the first step of honesty is, don’t follow someone because of their superficial beauty, mix with them, try to know them, learn to love their heart. Nowadays, the biggest mistake is choosing a life-partner from social media like Facebook. Social media identity can never be our real identity. Many are not what they appear to be on social media. As a result, when we don’t get the person we want, the family doesn’t last.

Moreover, many young people’s lives have been ruined by this fake network of social media, many crimes have been committed including murder.

The third is not to listen to any third person (Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation):

The one we always think is ours, the one who really always wants your best is not at all. There may be many people who are not happy with your happy life, or they want your happiness to be theirs.
As we saw with Payal Malik of Bigg Boss ott, Najar hati toh accident happened. It goes without saying, because he who does not want to control himself, cannot be controlled by his wife or anyone else.

That’s why you should never set fire to your own happy world by being tempted or provoked by people.

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation

Reason behind satya pure relation turns into kali yug fake relation (image credit pinterest)

And in the name of freedom, those who are having relationship-marriage-immoral relationship one after another, we need to say something to them, just to say that they can do whatever they want, but they need to think a little about culture-value-dignity. There are some things in the world. , and besides, everyone needs to think about what the future generations are learning from these.

Our purpose in this blog was only to discuss where our mistake is happening, it was not our intention to interfere in someone’s personal life or to hurt them in any way, if there is any mistake, forgive us, today’s blog is up to this point.

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