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How to lose weight in 3 months

How to lose weight in 3 months

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How to lose weight in 3 months

It is the most asked question. A entire industry has been built on weight loss. All companies are selling their products.In our today’s blog, we will talk about it scientifically, what you should do or not.
The logic behind the weight loss is quite simple. We will explain it with a example. Imagine that you have a bank account. All the money you earn gets accumulated in your bank account. All the money you spend is deducted from your bank account. So if you want to increase your bank balance, you either have to increase your earning or reduce your expenses.

How to lose weight in 3 months

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Similarly, our body has has a calorie bank. The calories you consume, accumulate here. The more you spend, it is deducted from the stored calories. This calorie bank is our body. To store calories, they are converted into fat and stored by the body, which increases our weight. So if you want to lose weight, either reduce your calorie intake or spend more of calories. Spending calories is known as Burning calories.

How calorie comes in Body:
The amount of food and drinks(except water) we consume, they contain a certain amount of energy in form of calories. In nutritional science, the calorie defines as, “It is a unit of energy”. So, the food and water you are consuming, that is where the calories are coming. Since calories are form of energy, everything for which the body uses energy, calories are burned for those. The most obvious thing that comes to people’s mind to burn calories is exercising. Which is true also.

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Our body needs energy is needed for every process, For lungs to breath, digesting food, for all body work energy is needed. For this reason, even while sleeping at night, your calories are burned. On average, a normal person burns 400 calories during 8 hours of sleep. These calories are burned merely to keep the body alive, this is known as BMR( Basal Metabolic Rate). In case of different people, the rate also differs. Depend on height,weight,muscle mass and many other factors.

Now, there is a n online calculator through which you can calculate your BMR. Assume, you get BMR is 1780 cal per day, that means you will burn this amount of calories every day without doing anything. In previous, we told that foods give you calorie. But in some case, food can burn your Calorie. Here we hear about the concept of ‘Thermic Effect Of Food’.

What is TEF:
Logic behind it, when you eat food, your body has to digest the food, absorb nutrients from foods and store food. During those process, the body uses energy and burns calories. So, some things have a low thermal effect. Like fats, oil, flour, and butter. Our body digest these things very easily.There is almost no need to burn any calories. On the other hand, whole grains or protein rich foods, dairy,eggs, high – fibre vegetable and fruits, spinach, broccoli, these have a high thermic effect.

Our body has to burn a lot of calories to digest these foods. That is why it becomes difficult to gain weight by eating this type of food. Now you will wonder, if this means that some types of food may provide negative calories.The calories available in that food, the food, the body is burning more calories to consume that food. This is not correct.

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To happen this, the thermic effect of any food should be more than 100%, that can’t happen. The highest thermic effect possible is around 30%, that usually found in proteins. This means if you consume 100 calories of protein, you will spend 30 calories to digest that protein and your body is actually gaining only 70 calories. Now, there is no need to go into the math too much.

Why talk about weight loss:
Many people will think, why need to exercise at all, if you consume fewer calories than your body’s basal metabolic rate, you will loss your weight automatically. Yes, your thinking is theoretically correct, but practically, it is dangerous. Eating fewer calories than your BMR without exercising means that, your body’s hormonal balance can deteriorate. You will fell more tired, more irritable. Will difficult to focus on studies or work.

It will be shocking for you that, our brain spend the highest amount of calories, which is the 20% of energy usage. Many people usually eat less to maintain a diet, then they become very weak and their mood is disrupted terribly. So, your goal should not be weight loss, but a healthy weight loss. For healthy weight loss you need a perfect exercise routine. Here are 4 things are very important.
First one is diet control, 2nd exercise, 3rd proper sleep, last one and most important keep yourself stress-free.

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Now lets understand the diet in detail:
All of us have sometime the feeling that after eating something, we still feel hungry. After eating some things, we still don’t feel full. The reason behind it is the Satiety Index. Some food items are which are like,after eating them, we feel full and some types of food aren’t like that. In 1995, some researchers tested 240- calories servings of 38 types of food.

They found that boiled potatoes had the highest satiety index among all potato dishes. Potatoes were given a score of 323. There are some other things like pulses, high fibre foods, low-fat dairy products, eggs, and nuts. These things also have a very high index, this means that for the same amount of calories, if you eat high- satiety food items,you will comparatively feel more full. You will feel less hungry, even though the number of calorie same.

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Body needs a nutritious diet, when your goal is healthy weight loss. Means you don’t loss your body or muscle, you only have to lose weight.There are 6 different types of essential nutrients that the body needs for optimal function. Proteins, carbohydrates,fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. So, when you are on a healthy weight loss diet, you will definitely need proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Now the question is about fats and carbohydrates.

What about them?
Many people suggest different types of low fat,low-carb diets. Lets talk about carbohydrates first.
How carbohydrates are related with weight loss?
The sugar that comes out of carbs is an important source of energy for the body. If our body doesnot use that amount of energy immediately, the energy from the carbs is converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. If a person eats more carbs than his body needs, the body converts those carbs into fat cells and stores it as fat. If this energy is not used later, it remains in the form of fat cells and you gain weight.

You might think that carbohydrates should be avoided, but this is the wrong conclusion. In 2017, a meta- analysis was done of 32 controlled feeding studies, keeping the level of protein and calories the same, and they find out whether high- carb diet is better or a low- carb diet. This research found that there is no benefit in weight loss, whether you follow a high-carb or a low-carb diet.

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Weight loss, ultimately, works only due to Calorie Deficit, that the same calorie bank balance concept, we discussed previously. In 2012, another study was conducted in a Swedish university to compare whether a low – fat diet is better or a low-carb diet. This study monitored people for 2 years and ended with the same conclusion. Weight loss has nothing to do with these things. Only calories are important here.

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Some people go on a high -protein diet to lose weight, because some people have a perceptron that, if eat or consume fats and carbs, they will convert into fat cells leading to weight gain, but if consume protein only, their muscles will grow bigger. It is true that protein is usually used for muscle building. So if people do weight training, exercise more, wrestle or such, then naturally they should take more protein. If without doing any exercise, you consume excess protein, it will convert into fat.

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If you maintain a keto diet for one week, you will lose 1-2 kgs of weight for sure. But it will happen, because their body has not lost its water weight. When again they will start consuming carbs, then water weight will come back again. Dr sara and her team researched on 15,000 people for 6 years. Their report was published in the famous Journal, “Lancet Public Health”. Here they observed that, people who follow a low carb diet but are eating more animal protein.

This study concludes that, that type of diet can actually reduce the lifespan. When low carb diet replaced by plant protein and fat, then it will be beneficial. If more than 40% of total energy is coming from carbs or more than 70% of total energy comes from carbs. Both pose a higher risk to our health. Here a balance diet is very important.

We should consume healthy carbs?
Healthy carbs that are absorbed by the body slowly. That doesnot effect blood sugar level very much.
Now What is Fat?
Fat nutrient is an essential nutrients, the body also needs it too. Many vitamins like vitamin A , Vitamin D, Vitamin E are fat soluble vitamin, so the body needs fats to absorb them. But we should not consume excessive fatty foods, oily foods, ghee- butter everyday. Many of us, like to eat Mutton fat, which is very risky and dangerous for us.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges(AMDR):
45-65% of calories should be from carbohydrates, 20-35% from fats and 10- 35% should be from protein. We always should avoid outside junk foods, cold drinks.There is a significant link between weight gain and stress.

When you feel stressed, the body’s cortisol levels increase. The reduces your metabolism and increases your craving for fat and sugar. So if you want to lose weight, it is important to manage stress as well. For avoiding this, you can do meditation, play sports and many more that you can do.

That all for today’s blog. Hope you all enjoyed the blog, share our blog and page.

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