neet scam 2024
15 June 2024

Neet scam 2024-The greatest educational scam in the history of India!!

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Neet scam 2024

The results of the premedical exam, neet has caused a commotion all over the country(neet scam 2024). Although 2.3 million students took this exam this year, it is not just about 2.3 millon students. It is about every student in the country who expects to get fair chance to get admission in a good college(neet scam 2024). It is about every child in the country who thinks that by studying hard, he will have a bright future.

We all know that in our country, there is a lot of pressure on students. Competition is very high(neet scam 2024). There is a shortage of good colleges in the country. There is a shortage of seats in good colleges. And now the exams that are being conducted to allocate those seats, if they are not conducted properly, then what hope will be left for the future of the country(neet scam 2024)?

Paper leaks or misconducting exams, has become quite common over the past few years. Just a few days after the exam, Patna police arrested 13 people for leaking the exam papers. They were charging each student ₹3 million to ₹5 million for those leaked papers. not only that, look at this news from 10th May. An entire racked was busted in Gujarat(neet scam 2024).

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neet scam 2024. Pic credit: Pinterest

An education consultancy owner, a school teacher, were charging studens ₹1 million for helping in the exam(neet scam 2024). Paper leaks have become so common in this “New ” India that the Indian Express investigation has revealed that in the last 5 years, there have been 41 paper leaks, that has affected the lives of 14 millon job seekers.

How many times have we seen protests regarding these paper leaks? There is one going on right now, and an always these protests would have been ignored but this time the matter is not limited to paper leakes. When the NEET results were declared on 4th June, there were some unbelievable irregularities in it. It is being called a large-scale scam(neet scam 2024).

A 16-17 year old child studies hard day and night and spends a year preparing for this one exam. And then you hear the news of this scam. all the hard work has been wasted. So, a very simple but important piece of advice is that There should always be a Plan B and a Plan C in life. Do not bet your entire future on one exam.You should have at least one backup plan(neet scam 2024).

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NEET-UG’s exam is the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Undergraduates(neet scam 2024). This is the undergraduate admission exam for all medical, dental, and AYUSH courses in the country. This is the only such exam in our country. Before this, there was the AIPMT test. All India Pre-medical test.But in the AIPMT era, there were other pre-medical exams conducted by medical colleges and states.

To replace all those exams with one exam, NEET was introduced in 2013. In the beginning, many states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, West Bengal, and Tamil Nadu protested against this(neet scam 2024). So it took many years. And in 2016, the first NEET exam was contucted. The NEET exams during the first 3 years were overseen by CBSE. But after 2019, the responsibility of conducting these exams was given to NTA. NTA is the National Testing Agency(neet scam 2024).

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It is an autonomous agency which was established in November 2017 under the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of India. When this agency was formed, it was hoped that it will retain its independence, and we will get more transparency while conducting exams. People’s confidence regarding these exams will increase. But the opposite has happened(neet scam 2024).

Today, people’s anger is directed towards this NTA. What is the reason behind this(neet scam 2024)? Let’s know it in depth. The thing is, friends, the problems started even before the exam was conducted(neet scam 2024). On 9th February, 2024, NTA opened the registration for this exam and gave one month’s time. The deadline to register was 9th March. Which is normal, one month’s time was given. But on 9th March, this deadline was extended for 1week(neet scam 2024).

Now this is not a big deal because it is possible that some students were so focused on their studies that they forgot to register for the exam in this one month. Okay, so they extended the deadline for another week (neet scam 2024).

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But one month later, on 9th April, this registration link was reopened(neet scam 2024). From 9th April to 10th April, on the request of the “stakeholders”. And after this, once again, a correction window was granted. From 11th April to 15th April. Which “stakeholder” requested this?

After this, the exam is contucted on 5th May and even after this, there were news of multiple paper leakes from different states(neet scam 2024). Sometimes from Gujarat, sometime from Bihar, and even from Odisha. But the real fun begins on 4th June when the results were declared(neet scam 2024).

NEET exam follows an MCQ pattern, which tests students in four different subjects. Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany. Each subject has 50 questions, out of which 45 have to be attempted. so, out of a total 200, 180 question have to be attempted. Every correct answer gets 4 marks, every incorrect answer gets minus 1 mark. Students are given 3 hours and 20 minutes and the maximum possible marks is 720.

Now what happened is that 67 studens score full marks. 720 out of 720. All of them get All India Rank1. This is very strange because in last year’s exam only 2 people scored full marks. And the year before, in the 2022 NEET, only 4 people got AIR 1. But no one got full marks. 715 was the highest score. And the year before, in 2021, only 3 people scored full marks 720. And now suddenly 67 people are scored the full marks 720. How is this possble(neet scam 2024)?

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NTA has stood 3 reasons for this(neet scam 2024). First, an NTA official said that this year’s exam was very easy, that’s why so many people could score full marks(neet scam 2024). But When students and experts were asked, before the results were declared, they had said that this year’s exam paper was very tough. They predicted that the average score would go down, and no one get full marks.

Secondly, NTA said that this year the number of candidates was very high. 300,000 more candidates appeared for this exam when compared to 2023 exam. And because there were more candidates, “naturally”, higher scores were seen(neet scam 2024).

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But the third reason is the most interesting. NTA said that there are so many AIR 1 because 50 out of the 67toppers, were given grace marks. Out of these 50, 44 students were given grace marks because there was some discrepancy in the answer keys. And the remaining 6 students were given grace marks due to time -related issues(neet scam 2024).

There was a physics question in this exam which had two correct answers. Because this question is in both the old and new edition of the NCERT textbook, but the two had different answers. So subject experts said that both options should be marked as correct. Now, first of all, is this how a national exam should be conducted(neet scam 2024)?

Students study for 12-13 hours a day for an entire year, while NTA can’t even get the questions right(neet scam 2024). And secondly, what kind of an exam is this where 75% toppers could get full marks only because they got grace marks? Let’s look at this in more depth.

If we see the questions. In this question, you had to identify which statement is correct. The first statement is: “Atoms are electrically neutral as they contain equal number of positive and negative charges”. And the second statement is: “Atom of each element are stable and emit their characteristic spectrum”. The correct answer to this question is that the first statement is correct and the second statement is wrong(neet scam 2024).

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That is option number 4. But NTA said that we should also consider option 2 to be correct, because in 2018’s NCERT textbook, this statement is written there. That the atoms of all elements are stable. NTA said that it received more than 13,000 complaints about this question. But for this reason, marking a wrong answer to be correct does it make any sense(neet scam 2024)?

Because after 2018, every NCERT textbook that was printed, had corrected this statement. And secondly, this is a simple and logical physics question which even a student in 10th class would the answer to. So the question arises, who are these students who are reading a 6-years-old edition of the textbook and grace marks were given to them. So these were the 3 reasons stated by NTA full of factual and logical loopholes(neet scam 2024).

The next question to arise was, who are these 6 toppers who got grace marks due to insufficient time? Do these 6 toppers belong to the same exam centre? It’s possible. These 6 toppers were among those 1,563 students who got grace marks due to loss of time. And some of these students got 718 or 719 out of 720 marks(neet scam 2024).

Which is technically impossible to score because you will either get +4 for a correct answer or -1 for a wrong answer. So under normal conditions, a person may score 720 in this exam or 716 or 715. 718 or 719 is not possible. These two students who got this score are from the same Jhajjar Centre that had the other 6toppers(neet scam 2024).

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When NTA was asked the reason for these grace marks they said many NEET 2024 candidtes had filed petitions to the High Court of Punjab and Haryana. Those students claimed that they had to suffer because of a loss of exam time, so NTA gave them grace marks to make up for this. And to give them grace marks, they referred to a 2018 judgement of the Supreme court(neet scam 2024).

According to that judgement, a standard method can be normalised and calculated to see what should be the grace marks for the loss of time. But now the thing is that the 2018 judgement was about the CLAT exam for law. And this judgement was written in this category Admission to Educational Institutes Other than medical and Engineering(neet scam 2024).

It was clearly written that this judgement cannot be used for Engineering and Medical exams. So the question is how did NTA use it? how many grace marks have been alloted exactly? Which formula has been used exactly? And if there was loss of time, really, then why wasn’t the exam extended by 10-20 minutes? why did they rely on the grace marking system? People allege that this points to corruption and that this is a scam(neet scam 2024).

The matter doesn’t end here. The Junior Doctors’ Network of the Indian Medical Association raised another issue. Before the results were declared, NTA released an OMR sheet, Optical Mark Recognition Sheet, which is basically a student’s answer sheet where they have filled in the answers to the MCQs. This is done so that students get a fair idea of what their score will be(neet scam 2024).

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But problem is that many students got completely different marks in their scorecards as compared to their answer sheets. Take the case of 18-year-old Arshita. On her OMR sheet it was written that her score would be around 384, but when the final results were declared, her score was 308. A difference of 80 marks(neet scam 2024).

Another student, 21-year-old Shoaib said that, there was a 10 mark difference in the scores of his OMR sheet and final results. There were so many problems and before the evidence of these problems could be collected, the results were declared 10 days in advance. And these weren’t any random 10 days. Strategically, the neet results were announced on the same day of election results so that everyone would be busy in election results and NTA could easily execute this neet scam 2024.

Thanks for reading the blog, hope you liked it, comment down your opinions about the neet scam 2024.

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